This game was created by my group and I for our final project in ICS 111. This game is an rpg game where you as the main hero walks through space until you meet a mystical dragon who blocks your path. Using a roll based fighting system you need to defeat the dragon to win the game. This game was developed to showase what we learned in ICS 111 including: java classes, prperties, methods, inheritance, primative data types, basic game develoment, etc…
Within our project we divied up tasks by the classes needed for the game. I took the role on creating the character classes. I started off by creating a main abstract person class which would then be inherited by the hero class and the enemy class. These two classes would thus then have the same fighting mechanism that is featured in the game. Besides being primarily responsible for the characters I would also pick up task during the game development when the other team memebers needed help. This ranged from the game screen to the weapon system.
This project along with the course, ICS 311 taught the basics of programming with Java. Although I have already been familiar with the Java language, there were other aspects to the class that I took as a learning experience. I learned how to work on a project better with a team and how to manage a project that could take up to a few months to complete.
Source: victor-jr/ics111project3